Lincoln Parks & Recreation District: December 2018 Minutes

Present: Cox, Thomas, Couture, Garaas, Berglund                         Absent: none                       Vacant: none

City Council Representative: Akre                        General Public: SEH (Bananno, Dooley), Haaland.

President Couture called the meeting to order @ 6:30 pm – role was taken.

October Minutes were approved by (Cox, Thomas).

Financial Statements/Bills:

Financial statements & bills for November were approved (Thomas, Garaas).


City Council January 10th & 31st at 7pm; Park Board: January 15th 6:30; P&Z January 29th  7:00pm.

Old Business: 

2019 Project List was discussed bleachers will be purchase this year due to cost rises in 19.  Thomas is going to get prices for Dog waste dispensing units for the walking paths and parks.

Second reading was held to raise Park Board salaries in line with City Council at $160.00 (Garaas, Cox)

We will be setting up Multiple Accounts at Home town Credit Union and switching to those accounts for direct deposits on payments received. 

Reviewed Plans from SHE to add walking paths in Wiegle Park with the changes made. 

New business:
Tye Haaland presented an idea for sandlot baseball.  Discussion was held and will figure a way to add him to existing program and work out fine details.

The park board has an opportunity to purchase the truck used to water trees from the city.  We need to find a place to store it and find out the price needed for it. 

SHE is going to look at the cost to add clay to retention pond on Humbert to help with making ice rink.



Social Media: 



Quick claim deed for Moch park sent to Mariners to be signed over to parks. 

Grants:  No Discussion

See above Old business.