Lincoln Park
32 McDougall Dr, Lincoln, ND 58504
Lincoln Park is located between Benteen Drive and the south end of McDougall Drive. As the community favorite, Lincoln Park is equipped with many features that make your outdoor recreational time enjoyable. If you are looking for a place to host a family reunion, birthday party, or an occasional get-together, this park is worth consideration. Its central location and many amenities attract people of all ages.
- Park Shelter (indoor and outdoor)
- Play Ground Equipment, Swings
- Basketball Courts
- Horse Shoe Pits (covered)
- Softball Diamond
- BMX Course
- Reservations for the park shelters can be made by visiting the Building Reservations Page.

Millenium Park
140 Santee Rd, Lincoln, ND 58504
Millennium Park is a relatively new park in Lincoln that is located adjacent to Lincoln Road. Although it is a park that is still under construction, it contains several attractive features.
- A Walking Path
- Frisbee Golf Course
- Beautiful New Gazeebo
- There are also many features to come such as playground equipment, and a paved walking path.
- Although the walking path is not currently paved, it is still in working order. The frisbee golf course is a popular feature, which consists of nine challenging holes throughout the park.

Pt. Weigel
16 Custer Dr, Lincoln, ND 58504
Although Weigel Park is small it has the ability to provide great outdoor experiences for families, and members of the community. This park and its equipment, are especially geared towards younger kids. This is a small park that is perfect for a great time of relaxation.
- Playground Equipment
- Swings
- Tetherball
- Large Cement Pad, which is great for rollerblading or skateboarding.
- Open Grassy Areas